Pamela Ruebusch

CEO, TSI Group Inc.
Customer story

How TSI Group uses Wisnio to help clients make unbiased hiring decisions

Learn how the TSI Group uses Wisnio to make unbiased decisions, bring value, and get more business from its customers.

TSI Group Inc.


TSI Group Inc. is a boutique executive search, strategic talent acquisition, and leadership development firm based in Canada and providing services throughout North America.


Mississauga, Canada


10 people


Executive search

The challenge

The decisions within a search process can often be complicated and risky. After all, we’re all guilty of falling prey to biases and gut feeling.

Just because a candidate feels like a good fit and you like them personally does not mean that they’ll be the best choice for the team. The best interview is not always the best hire.

To make better hiring decisions, leaders must be able to combine a candidate's functional knowledge with the ability to work well together with the existing team. And do all that while leaving their biases and personal feelings to the side.

To be sure of their decision, candidates have to go through round after round of interviews, all while the hiring manager(s) try to make sense of who would be the best fit.

The solution

To overcome these challenges, TSI Group chose Wisnio's suite of decision tools to minimise hiring bias and bring data and science into hiring decision making.

    • Team analysis tools - Based on behavioural science theories on values, personality, and competencies, team members complete a series of online surveys and review their Team Profile to learn more about their colleagues' traits, motivators, and core competencies.
    • Structured hiring tools - The Hiring Dashboard brings transparency to even the most complex hiring process by giving a clear overview of shortlists, Candidate Profiles, and candidate evaluations based on the job-specific requirements with a range of hiring decision tools.

The result

Using the Wisnio platform has allowed TSI to do a better job faster by combining their professional intuition with data-driven decision making.

For each search assignment, the platform is used to gather key hiring criteria and the critical competencies needed to assess candidates, along with personalised interview guides, candidate comparison, interview scorecards and more.

“The Wisnio platform brings more logical, linear thinking into the hiring process leading to leaders to be more confident when making hiring decisions knowing that their decisions are based on data and science and not on gut feeling alone.”

Pamela Ruebusch , CEO, TSI Group Inc.

As for the clients of TSI, they were surprisingly eager to use the platform after seeing it in action and understanding the value it can bring.

Additionally, the company discovered that using Wisnio decision tools for hiring acts like glue that keeps the company sticky with their clients.

Once the talent data is on the platform, it can be used in various ways, from leadership development and strategic planning to succession planning and more. All these extra services are additional revenue streams on top of the search fees.